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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Sister’s Tribute to Our Dad

Ok, so when our Dad passed away almost 7 years ago, I wanted to get a tattoo. I don’t know what it is about big life events... but it seems like a good time to do something drastic, perhaps something big, but definitely something meaningful. I could never think of the perfect design for a permanent tattoo, so I never got one. This spring, my sister Lindsey sent me a photo of her new tattoo. It was genius! I wished I’d thought of it myself.

The body of the angel is the letter “V” representing my dad’s first initial. Then she drew wings on either side of the “V” and put a golden halo at the top. It’s so spot-on... Dad is our guardian angel, if you believe in that sort of thing. I’d at least like to think he’s still out there keeping an eye on things for us.