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inspirations that inform my creative practice. Read more about me here.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Watching Paint Dry

Wet Ink (detail)

I’ve been working on a new painting today... I love the the process of this technique (although it is a test in patience!). Watching the ink dry is actually an amazing metamorphosis. Someday I would like to videotape the process, and play it back in ultra slow motion HD (a la Bill Viola). When I apply the ink, the colors bleed into each other. It shifts and moves as it dries over time. 
This piece took about an hour to dry completely... Both images are details from the same painting. The first photo was taken when the ink was initially applied, the second was taken about 40 minutes later.

Dry Ink (detail)

By the time the ink dries, it looks totally different than when I first applied it. I can’t precisely control the way the colors combine. I can influence how the ink runs across the page, but the end product is largely determined by chance. I have a few additional layers to add to this piece before it’s finished. Stay tuned...!