Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus
Found along the banks of Corral Creek
Along with the beautiful landscapes we saw in Wyoming last week came an abundance of stunning mountain and desert wildflowers. My camera has a pretty good macro setting so I can get good detail in shots of even the smallest flowers.
Yellow Monkeyflower
Found on bank of Corral Creek
I was looking for the names of some of these flowers (still didn’t find all the ones I was looking for), and came across a great archive of western U.S. wildflowers, along with their common and Latin names. If you’re trying to identify flowers you found somewhere, check here first.
Mountain Harebells
Meadow in Black Canyon
Fringed Gentian
Meadow in Black Canyon
Found on the floor of a pine forest
Black Canyon above Greys River, WY
Indian Blanket (or Firewheel)
Found along shoulder of US Hwy 191
South of Pinedale, WY
(AKA Bon Jovi Hair Flower. You’re welcome, Lindsey!)
Found in a meadow on the trail to White Pine Lake
Cache National Forest, UT