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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blind Contour Drawings

Blind contour drawing is my absolute favorite drawing technique. I could do blind contours exclusively for weeks on end, I think. I woke up in the middle of the night last night with an idea to shake things up for my drawing students. 

I asked them to all go into the hallway and lay down on the floor with their legs up the wall (viparita karani for all my yoga friends). Then they were asked to place their paper on the floor alongside their body, so they could look up and draw their feet without seeing their hand or their paper. 

I hope that by making drawing a physical activity—rather than a completely intellectual exercise—the process will be a little more fun and a little less intimidating for them. These are two of the blind contour drawings that were turned in at the end of class this morning.

Next week: gesture drawing.