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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Deb Haugen’s Emotional Nature

Life’s Explosion. 48x60 inches.

I just found out that my work is being featured this month on MyArtSpace.com! I was so excited I went there immediately to see the other featured artists. I found the work of California artist Deb Haugen, and was stunned and inspired by these beauties!

Pink Newness. 18x24 inches.

I found Ms. Haugen’s website where she talks about her work. I totally agree with everything she says... I’m also much more interested in the emotional responses to landscape/nature rather than a realistic depiction of the scene in front of me. She says:
“For me, I find that creating abstract art with an “Organic” sensitivity in mind lends itself to speak of the emotions involved, rather than painting a pretty sunset that we all recognize to be a sunset. The realistic landscape artist discusses the beauty of a forest they are painting. I am focused on the emotions and feelings that my art conveys, atmospheric memories relived. Organic art reeks of a certain familiarity, something very fundamental, and essential in our daily lives. My paintings convey the organic complexities that surround us, sometimes about serenity, sometimes complex layering systems of decay or destruction. All of life responds to the primitive, tangible, evolution of our planet, some just a little closer to the source.”

Title Unknown

Swept Away. 22x30 inches.