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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Devastated about the Station Fire in the Angeles National Forest

Originally uploaded by Scott Dukes
UPDATE 10/20/09: Today, 53 days after it began, the Station Fire has officially been declared “contained.” I’m looking forward to my next trip to L.A. so we can maybe get a look at the places we love to see how they’ve changed. I fully expect the wildflowers to be amazing each spring for the next few years.

Matt and I have spent more time in the Angeles National Forest high country than anywhere else. We know the trails like the back of our hands! Our first date consisted of a 12-mile hike on the Silver Moccasin Trail to Mt. Vetter & the Vetter Mountain Fire Lookout. Our second date was a hike up San Gabriel Peak to watch an amazing meteor shower.

Matt worked at the Chilao Visitor Center while he worked on his masters degree. There was a stuffed black bear in the visitor center that we named “Curtis”. There were special trees in the forest too. One I remember specifically, we called “Murphy”. I wish I had taken a picture of him.

Rumor is that the Chilao Visitor Center is gone, as is Newcomb’s Ranch. Most of our other favorite spots will be forever changed. But most of all I feel a deep sense of sadness for the Forest Service employees and other residents who have lost their homes, and the two fire fighters who died.

Matt took this photo of Chilao Visitor Center when he used to work there for the Forest Service. What a spectacular building. I hope it survived!

The area hasn't burned in about 50 years. The terrain is extremely steep and rocky. Lots of manzanita and other bushy chaparral cover the ground. These kinds of plants are loaded with oils that help them survive drought conditions, but can be explosive during a wildfire.