I am an artist. This website features my work and highlights some of the varied
inspirations that inform my creative practice. Read more about me here.

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Hand-Drawn Meditations

When I have a few minutes here or there, I like to doodle in my sketchbook with some tracing paper. Some of the doodles turn into nice little drawings that make me happy!


These patterns were drawn in layers and then reconstructed in Photoshop, allowing me to adjust and recombine colors on a whim...


My friend Tony Toven at Clear Image Printing Company in Los Angeles generously printed my handmade patterns onto blank note cards. I packaged them up into sets so I can give them away to clients and friends.


I find that drawing these patterns is meditative and soothing, giving my brain something repetitive to focus on (like a visual mantra). It helps clear my mind and make room for (hopefully) new creative revelations!