I am an artist. This website features my work and highlights some of the varied
inspirations that inform my creative practice. Read more about me here.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Dreamt of Things...

Last night was a weird one. I had three disconcerting dreams...

1. Matt and I came home to a house we lived in. Inside was a long, dark black cobra coiled up waiting to strike. It chased us out of our house and we sat in the car as it stared at us from the outside.

2. As I placed some papers on the bed, a spider came crawling out. Matt kept trying to catch it but it was too quick. Finally, its belly swelled up to the size of a basketball and exploded all over everything.

3. I was in an airport trying to get home. There was a strange trolley system — it was like a train of grocery carts with seats that carried people around the airport. I was pregnant, but I didn’t want to be. I sat on my little cart jerking down the tracks, waiting to arrive at my destination so I could go home ... but there was no destination. I had nowhere to go. (p.s. I’m not actually pregnant, thank goodness!)