I am an artist. This website features my work and highlights some of the varied
inspirations that inform my creative practice. Read more about me here.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Canyonlands New Year

Sunset in Canyonlands National Park.
I saved up my vacation time all year so that I could have two simultaneous weeks off for the holidays. Matt had some time too, so we got to spend the entire vacation goofing off outside. Interestingly, it took me a week and a half to chill out enough to forget about work and everything else, so I could finally enjoy myself completely. Canyonlands National Park, especially the Needles section, did the trick. We stepped out of the car and onto the Slickrock Foot Trail, into a solitary landscape, and I could finally breathe deeply, relax, and simply BE.

Matt’s and my shadows on the wall of Lower Spring Canyon.
My yoga teacher Jasmine Lieb used to say, “We’re human beings, not human doings!” Why should an idea so simple be so hard to implement in life?

The White Rim Trail, an old 4wd road along the edge of the canyons.