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Friday, March 8, 2013

FIDM Poster: It’s that Time of Year Again

Almost every year, I get a chance to come up with new ideas for FIDM’s promo campaign. I just started working on some new concepts for a poster. I’m so glad to work in a completely different vein this year; we’re moving away from all the organic shapes and free-form designs toward something more structured and rigorous.

FIDM has always had a “young” look that defined the brand. The college has grown up, so to speak, and the students who go to school there are more sophisticated too. In response, we’re trying to “age up” the designs as well.

These two concepts are variations on the continuum from carefree to sophisticated — the top being more serious, the bottom one more fun. I’ll be curious to see what the client is drawn to. I like the top one better, personally, but I may have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction on it. We’ll see what happens!