I am an artist. This website features my work and highlights some of the varied
inspirations that inform my creative practice. Read more about me here.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Blue Paintings

Vishuddha #11, Ink on Paper, 6x6 inches. 2012.

I just finished a new series of blue and purple paintings. There are 22 of them.

Vishuddha #3, 6, 7, 10, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22.
Ink on paper, 6x6 inches (each), 2012.

My sankalpa (intention) for 2012 is to focus on the idea of integrity—living from my own truth, and from the inside out. After my thyroid cancer diagnosis last fall, I’ve been thinking a lot about the throat chakra and it’s energetic implications on my life. Vishuddha Chakra is generally represented by the color blue. 

To honor my body and my intention this year, I’m focusing on becoming a better communicator. As part of my studies and spiritual practice, I’ve taken on a course in life coaching, which I think will give me skills to become a better speaker and especially a better listener.

Vishuddha #19, Ink on Paper, 6x6 inches. 2012.

I hope I will be able to deepen my personal relationships, improve my own life and the lives of people around me. I’m also looking forward to grounding my art-making work in the ideas that evolve from these explorations. 

I’m giving one of these little guys to each of my classmates in my Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. I hope it will be a happy little reminder to everyone of what a great experience we had supporting each other together. 

Maybe it will also help keep us on task with staying in the present moment, where everything is always as it should be.