I am an artist. This website features my work and highlights some of the varied
inspirations that inform my creative practice. Read more about me here.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Yoga Niyamas / New Year Intention: Compassion

One of the eight limbs of yoga according to Patanjali is called “niyama.” The niyamas include the following five observances: purity, contentment, ardour, discipline, and self-study. These observances are directed inwardly at oneself for the purpose of personal development — cleansing and preparing ourselves for enlightenment.

It is with this in mind that at the turn of each new year, I like to choose an intention as a focal point for self-study. I like the idea of an annual intention as opposed to a resolution because it allows for wiggle room — room and time to really explore a concept within my own life without judgment and with plenty of room for varying levels of success over time.

Once I choose an intention for the year, I just keep the idea in the back of my mind through all my everyday activities. When I reflect on my actions and habits (samskaras), I look at them through the lens of my intention and see if I've behaved in a way that is compatible with it. If not, I make a point to learn from the experience and to try to act with more awareness in the future.

In 2010 my intention is compassion.

My past annual intentions have been:
  • Courage
  • Creativity
  • Friendship
  • Patience
  • Contentment
If you choose to hold an intention for 2010, I would love to hear about it and share our experiences together.