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Friday, September 11, 2009

Luke Jerram’s Beautiful Diseases

Smallpox, HIV and an ‘Unknown Future Mutation’

Check out these amazing sculptures by artist Luke Jerram. (Thanks to my friend James Gladman for sharing them with me.) These are visualizations of the microbiotic structures of various diseases such as HIV, H1N1, and small pox. The pieces are stunning in their beauty. I’m always drawn to round things, and especially radial symmetry. The irony in this beauty is what makes these pieces all the more fascinating. How can something so deadly be so beautiful?


Jerram said, “Its great to be exploring the edges of scientific understanding and visualisation of a virus. Scientists aren't able to answer many of the questions I ask them, such as how the RNA is exactly fitted within the Capsid? At the moment, the technology isn't there to answer all these questions for certain. I'm also pushing the boundaries of glassblowing. Some of my designs simply can't be created in glass, Some are simply too fragile and gravity would cause them to collapse under their own weight. So there's a very careful balancing act that needs to take place, between the limitations of current scientific knowledge and glassblowing techniques.”


Swine Flu

Small Pox