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Monday, October 5, 2009

Edward Burtynsky Documents Industrial Impacts & Pollution

A mine in Australia.

From time to time, I find images that tear at my soul in their depiction of the devastating effects of our industrialized civilization on the earth. These scars on the surface are only a hint at the destruction that flows from their epicenters. From the displacement of wildlife to the poisoning of groundwater, our consumer lifestyles have a dramatic impact on the planet. See my other posts about mining and its impacts: Amazing Aerials by Alexander Heilner and Strip Mining Conundrum.

Salt ponds in Australia.

Check out these images by Edward Burtynsky. Nicholas Metivier Gallery describes his work here: “Edward Burtynsky’s large-scale colour photographs reveal the many facets of nature as it is transformed through human industry. Exquisitely detailed and exactingly rendered, his images strike an intricate balance between a somber reportage and a powerfully seductive aesthetic.”

Nickel Tailings in Canada.

A rock quarry in Vermont.

An oilfield in California.