View of the San Juan River canyons south to Monument Valley from our campsite at Muley Point (in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area).
View to the west from Comb Ridge, looking over Comb Wash. The desert is really green this year because of the unusual rains and cool weather we’ve had this spring. Notice the dirt road running along the valley floor.
Check out this crazy overhang where the Anasazi built their homes over 800 years ago! This area is called “Moonhouse”.
A bunch of yokels from Blanding, Utah were arrested last week for pillaging through similar sacred Native American sites and stealing artifacts off public lands and then illegally trafficking them for a profit of about $350,000. One of the thieves, the local Morman physician, had been caught for this kind of activity before... and yet he continued to disregard the law. After he was released on bail, he committed suicide. Now many locals are blaming the government for his death.
I find it ironic and completely hypocritical of these Mormans whose ansestors came to Utah to escape religious persecution, to then turn around and desecrate and disrespect the religious artifacts of another marginalized group. I’m so disappointed that there are still people in this country who feel and act as if Native Americans don’t belong on the land their people have occupied for millennia. . . Especially in a place as beautiful and spiritually inspiring as Utah.